Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Best Wishes!

Wow! Nationals is finally here! Are you ready?

I'm guessing that if you're competing this week, you probably don't feel ready. That's okay. There's always more you "coulda, woulda, shoulda done" to prepare. Your job now is to go in and give the best speech you can with what you have.

Before you start competing, I invite you to take a moment and consider, What do I want to remember after this week is over? Ask God how you can use the week for His glory. Spend some meaningful time in prayer.

I know it's cliche for me as an alum to tell you to be a great friend and focus on people more than trophies, but we alumni say that because it's true. You can make memories with your friends and meet new people while you aren't competing and still excel when you walk in front of the judges. You can't ignore everyone else to obsess over competition and still expect to make memories worth reminiscing about. (That doesn't mean you can stay out all night partying while you're still in the running or be late for a speech because you get into a fun conversation, of course!)

If you're at Nationals but didn't make it in Apologetics this year, why not take advantage of the opportunity and watch a round or two? Take notes and use what you observe to improve your own speaking.

Even if you're somewhere else this week, you probably have friends and fellow club members competing in various events. Take a moment and pray for them, and send encouraging messages. If you aren't sure what to pray about, think of what you would want someone else to ask God if you were the one competing. I can say from experience that it means a lot to know that the rest of the region back home is supporting you.

Love God, love people, keep priorities straight, and no matter where you are, have a great week!

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